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Goals and 倡议

1. 履行使命

Nurture the spirit of the Principia community rooted in faith, hope, and love.


The Principia community will recognize and value one another as children of God.

Because Principia is an institution founded on Love and Principle, 十大最大的网络彩票平台希望创造更多的机会,以基督教科学为基础,在十大最大的网络彩票平台的社区中与信仰相遇和接触. As we strive to embody the fruits of the spirit, 十大最大的网络彩票平台将慎重和有意地创造活动和健康的环境,指导和支持那些学习, 工作, and live at Principia.



1.1. Individual Spiritual Practices: 支持个人的精神实践,培养“思想的灵性化和日常生活的基督教化”.” (S&H p. 272: 19-20)

1.2. Community Spiritual Practices: Support community practices that strengthen and deepen authenticity, 订婚, and skills that allow us to better “love our neighbor” (Matt 22:39).

1.3. 包含: 开发活动和词汇,旨在培养更强的包容性和对排他性行为和交流的认识. Identify and correct possible barriers to communities and a stronger sense of belonging.

2. 入学人数增长

Ensure a thriving, richly diverse, and enduring community through strategic enrollment growth.


扩大学生人数和充分利用校园资源是学院和学院的共同目标, although they will approach this target in different ways. 十大最大的网络彩票平台将积极寻求吸引来自世界各地的学生,他们有兴趣成为一个以基督教科学价值观为基础的学习社区的一部分.

任何新的外展和录取程序将由受托人2019年8月声明中包含的概念管辖, titled “Enlarging the Tent, Strengthening the Stakes.” To better fulfill the Principia mission in today’s world, 加强招生工作的目的是最大限度地提高基督教科学学生的入学率,同时也为学生开拓新的市场,让他们更深入地参与基督教科学.

Beginning school year 2021-22, 另外,还将制定每年招收115名∼135名、125名∼145名的总目标, while maintaining strong student retention rates at both campuses. 招生目标将每年重新评估,以更好地确保战略计划更广泛的招生目标和预算目标的进展。十大最大的网络彩票平台将把目标目标作为初始阶段的试点,在一定程度上包括新的市场学生, during which time no Policy changes are contemplated.

每年的过程和结果审查将使校园领导和董事会密切评估新的招聘和招生实践对校长经历的文化和特征的影响. 这些定期评估将指导实践调整,并为今后新的营销和学生支助服务提供持续改进周期.

Based on the current educational structure, 在课程和财务可持续性方面,学院的最佳入学人数为500至600名学生,学院的住宿学生为525至545名. 除了, 学院可能会探索新的在线和学士学位后课程,以服务于更广泛的基督教科学社区.


2.1. Traditional Christian Science Undergraduates: 更新招生计划,以更好地最大化基督教科学学生的招生和利用校园资源.

2.2. Diverse Undergraduates: Develop an enrollment diversity plan that defines the desired student profile and creates new outreach, 招聘, and retention programs for each new student market. If the pilot program is approved, a separate plan will be developed.

2.3. Adults in the Christian Science Community: 探索提供满足更广泛的基督教科学社区确定的学习和专业发展目标的学士学位后课程的必要性和可行性. Initial offers will build on existing life-long learning programs, utilize online delivery resources, and be aligned with current faculty competencies.

3. 提高参与

Enhance Student Engagement to Better Prepare Students for the Future.


We will reimagine the student experience to enhance 订婚 in high impact practices. We anticipate this goal will improve students’ development of the skills, 的态度, and competencies needed to be productive, contributing community members and prepared for 工作force and post-baccalaureate success.


3.1. 职业准备: 在整个学校建立一个全面的学生职业发展计划,将学生就业联系起来, 职业生涯, 学者, 和校友.

3.2. Quality of 校园生活: Reimagine quality of campus life programming (life skills, healthy relationships, 弹性的技能, 工作和生活的平衡, 金融知识).

3.3. 全球公民: 创造和促进机会,培养学生的国际参与和跨文化能力,这是在一个多元化的环境中茁壮成长所必需的, 多元文化的世界.

4. Practice 可持续性

通过创新和积极的人力管理,加强并不断提高公司的可持续性, 生态, and financial resources.


Principia will broaden its commitment to sustainability. As a learning community and an educational institution, 十大最大的网络彩票平台有责任向社区展示可持续发展的实践和教育,在可持续发展的三大支柱(社会和环境)之间平衡资源管理, 生态, 经济).


十大最大的网络彩票平台寻求通过积极支持员工和教师的参与来培养Principia的人力资源,以证明社会的可持续性. In support of 生态 sustainability, we practice active and careful management of Principia's natural resources, including its significant land and water resources, and through the wise design and maintenance of its infrastructure. 利用最佳实践,制定一项长期财务计划,实施健全的财政协议,以便十大最大的网络彩票平台行使“智慧”, 经济, and brotherly love" in ensuring that Principia's financial future is sustained.


4.1. 人力资本 & 社会公平: Actively promote the vision of Principia as a sustainable community, through an emphasis on faculty and 工作人员 订婚 by valuing human capital, professional development, and social equity across operational, 行政, and academic landscapes.

4.2. Ecological / Environmental 可持续性: 通过实施在食品和校园基础设施方面可持续的零浪费和碳中和行动,积极促进使用自然资源管理的最佳实践, and that minimize our 生态 footprint.

4.3. Economic/Financial 可持续性: 通过制定包括平衡短期和长期收入与支出的财务举措在内的长期经济战略,积极促进Principia作为财政弹性社区的愿景.

7. 推进 & Improve the Academic Experience

为校长学院提供机会,使其成为一个充满活力的思想领袖社区,从而促进学术卓越, 独立的思想家, and lifelong learners.


We are committed to developing and engaging our students to become leaders of tomorrow. 十大最大的网络彩票平台认识到,培养未来的领导者需要致力于教师和员工的技能发展, 研究, 创造性的工作, and/or experiential learning, as well as the enhancement of academic 订婚 of our students. We believe that an engaged student body, 工作人员, and faculty will promote academic excellence and a dynamic community.


7.1. Embrace Best Practices: Continually assess and improve our academic programs. 利用课程的意向性和整合性来更好地满足当前和未来学生群体的需求.

7.2. Increase Student Engagement: Intentionally provide opportunities for greater student 订婚 throughout the academic experience.

7.3. 教师发展: Increase support for formal faculty development.

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